________________________________________At present, the vehicle categories, cars and motorcycles have become necessary are widely popular in Bangkok and there will be many more added. While surface is not proportional to the number of cars has been affecting people's lives, causing a traffic jam problem. It also is an important cause of toxic air and noise problems. Toxic substances caused by automobile exhaust have been causing health problems that people living in Bangkok want to inhale breathe every day, cannot be avoided. Therefore, we should come to know with what comes out from the exhaust pipe, and how to reduce the pollution from your car.Operation of the engine. If the incomplete combustion of fuel will cause toxins released from the exhaust as well as causing significant cause toxic air. These toxins include carbon dioxide (CO2) Black smoke, hydrocarbons, nitrogen side of the weld. Lead compounds Etc. Black smoke is a small carbon powder left from combustion of fuel from diesel cars, diesel trucks. A large truck and bus in General The cause of black smoke1. fuel supply system is not appropriate. Make the proportion of oil and air is not appropriate. Incomplete combustion occurs2. the air filter is dirty and clogged.3. the old engine out of a lack of maintenance.4. carry the weight exceeds the prescribed rate.The dangers of black smoke.Black smoke as a result of small carbon particles that can accumulate in the lungs and air sacs that black smoke also contains substances that cause lung cancer. In addition to causing dirt and obscured visibility, causing traffic accidents easily. This type of gas is colorless, odorless toxic gas that is formed from the incomplete combustion of fuel in car engines, such as a personal car, taxi. Tricycle apparatus Motorcycles, etc., this gas occurs as a car that is due to a traffic jam.Reasons for the occurrence of carbon dioxide (CO2)1. with Engine Tuning power system and settlements of oil that is not appropriate.2. air filter clogged3. use an oil like conventional gasoline engines that require special gasoline.4. carry the weight exceeds the prescribed rate.5. characteristic of driving with the engine acceleration without having.The dangers of carbon dioxide (CO2)When you remove the respiratory carbon dioxide (CO2) This gas will react with hemoglobin in the red blood cells become car bok Sy hemoglobin. Make transport oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body are not sufficient.If this gas in the air that we breathe, just 60 million in parts to cause symptoms of nausea, vomiting, coma head dizzy. In the case of this gas on 5,000 million portion of the air we breathe would cause deadly harm. To prevent your car, release toxins into the environment. Who is the owner or rider will need to regularly maintain the condition of the engine. With Engine Tuning, are in good condition on a regular basis, including driving style, which is strongly recommended as follows: 1. use unleaded gasoline intended for automotive gasoline engines or diesel low temperature distillation for diesel engine.2. change engine oil according to schedule.3. regularly check the air filter system If the blockage is very catching dust, cleaned or replaced.4. avoid excess capacity rate for truck car5. should a car speeding off a wide appeal and a more than necessary.6. install the exhaust filter (Catalytic Converter) in order to allow the exhaust there is less pollution discharged.For diesel vehicles should verify the engine is toxic. As follows: 1. check of the engine. If it is lower than usual to repair by changing the piston ring or cylinder khwankrabok.2. adjust the pressure at the nozzle and the nozzle to inject oil into fine particles. If the nozzle pressure adjustment does not.Or oil injection is not as clean, change the new nozzle set.3. set pump nozzles with different speed, fuel supply, according to the set. If the child has not been found, because the pump wear.To change the pump each new series.For cars that use gasoline engines should be specially checked. As follows:1. adjust carburetor Usually adjust screw to walk more lightly, but for car fuel injection systems.Need to tune by skilled technicians only.2. check the engine's strengths and power systems. Ignition may be too old should be reduced appropriately. 1. waste oil combustion section was not completely settled.2. performance of a lower engine3. the service life of the engine shorterMinistry for science, technology and environmentDefine standard values for black smoke and carbon dioxide (CO2) that allow drainage away from the exhaust pipe of a car are as follows: The black smoke of cars that go with being Diesel engine oil Need(1) not more than fifty per cent of the measuring system for BOT h. When the car is parked or when the car ride on the bus or walkway.(2) no more than forty per cent of the measuring system bot h or not exceeding fifty per cent of the measuring system hard cartridge replacement. When the car is in a test. Carbon value of the cars with gasoline engines must not exceed six per cent of the measuring system of the infrared sapoe good good Tainan Hotel Seef dachan.(Published in the Government Gazette on September 17, 1992) ________________________________________Source: compiled from the general sanitation Department of environmental kongonamai, health Office, Bangkok, Thailand. Tel. 2485740-fax 2459387, 43.
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