Index of effectiveness.The effectiveness index (Effectiveness Index) means the numbers that show progress.In learning of students by equating scores increased from pre-test score and score.The test after school. And the total score or the highest score with the scores from the test.Before class. When evaluating media has made. We often see the effectiveness of teaching.Measurement and evaluation in the media. Normally, an assessment value difference scores.In 2 style is the difference scores of pre-test and post-test score.Or a test about achievement. Between experimental group and control group.In practice, most will focus on the real differences rather than the result of the difference in statistics.But in some cases comparison only 2 style may not be sufficient, as in the case of the experiment.Use of the media in teaching once appeared the group 1 pre-test score 18%.After learning the test score 67% and the 2 pre-test score.Both test cases are basic (pre-test scores), which will result in different test scores.After learning that increase up as the case (Goodman and Schneider. 1980: 30-34) score.Basic (pre-test scores) are different, which will affect the achievement test scores.The highest increase in each case (facing the business the labour courts: 1-2; reference from 1949: Hovland.Unpaged) presented the effectiveness index (Effectiveness Index) obtained from finding their differences.The test before the experiment and after test trials with the highest score can be increased.It Hovland proposed that values the relationship of experiment can be done correctly.To consider the difference of basis points (pre-test scores and scores can be.Can the maximum effectiveness will be an indicator of the scope and effectiveness of Webb media attention.The average percentage of votes, which learned from the percentage of the experimental group and the percentage of the control group.The results obtained show the percentage increased (or decreased) compared with the rate of the machine.
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