ในปี 2518 Gates และ Allen ร่วมกันก่อตั้งบริษัทที่ชื่อ Microsoft Microsoft โดยเริ่มจากจุดเล็กๆ แต่มีวิสัยทัศน์ที่ยิ่งใหญ่ นั่นคือ บนทุกโต๊ะทำงานและในทุกบ้านต้องมีคอมพิวเตอร์
In recent years, Gates and Allen 2518 (1975) jointly established a company called Microsoft, starting with a small point, but Microsoft has a bigger vision, that is, on every desk and in every home must have a computer.
In 2518 Gates and Allen co-founded a company called Microsoft Microsoft was started by a small dot. I have a great vision that is on every desk and in every home must have a computer.
In 2518 Gates Allen together and founded the company name Microsoft Microsoft starting from a point, but with great vision That is, on every desk and in every home to have a computer.