Learn German free Study Plan eg. Study abroad.Yesterday, for example, a letter to deliver the request to study master's degree to be sent to the German University. InDocument delivery mail eg Study in GermanyToday, it will come down. Sample Study Plan study plans or that we wanted to learn to how to remove the knowledge to perform.What does, but before they reached the straight, then we will have to give an introduction or a narrative story? ... Note:This Study has not yet been solved, or re-write the original's weird thuan simply changes the name of the University.The name. Of the whole specification, I don't want to tell you the details of my very own. Does anyone have any questions?According to the Blog page, email has had grammar might not be 100% but I want you to discover content + ideas.The main idea is!~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Study PlanMy name is Dawrong Praditphausa, the international student from Thailand ,whowant to apply in Master of Science in E.T. Engineering of Germany University onthe second semester 2003.I graduated from Thailand university with Bachelor degree in ET engineering .After Graduation ,as the requirements of my major , I was assigned to work at ABC company for put the training period such as 6 months. Later on ,Igot apermanent job at DEF company ,www.def.com and I am currently working untilpresent. My ambition is to enhance my profession in the field of ET engineeringby integrating my working experience and further study inadvanced level . Ihave been spending my free time other than company working hour to do self-study on the facets of E.T.. However , the opportunity of advanced knowledge inthis field is very limited in Thailand. The best optionfor me is to seek furthereducation oversea. I, therefore , applied to youruniversity in Master of Sciencein ET Engineering of Technology.Thereason and study plan ,I want to learn in your university. Because in thepresent ,world competition has changed , and Thai Manufacturers have torecognize the changing market. It is no longer about one manufacture competingwith other in the world market. For exporting ,Thailand is too expensive tocompete with the low cost countries like China ,Indonesia , Vietnam ,India etc.Andyet at the moment the Thai industry can't compete in the sophisticated high-endmarket with the high cost countries e.g. Germany ,Italy, Japan ,Taiwan orKorea.So, to compete now and even more so in the future , the Thai E.T. manufacturersneed to upgrade technology and start marking higher value products. Exportingin the mid to low – end is no longer viable market for Thailand .Todo this, Thai wet processing mills need to adopt in terms of auxiliary side ,technology that offer higher quality products, and more innovation. In thefashion areas , finishing ,bio-polishing and other environment friendlytechnologies will certainly be required. They will more costly, but the overall productcost may or may not be increased. The manufactures and , how ever,ask for higher prices for the final product – thus higher profit margin. That is theonly way to go in to the future. Competing in cost alone will not be sustainable inthe long run.I can summarized major problem in Thai E.T. Technology as below.1.Most Thai E.T. Technology export products are commodity types and thereforesubject to high competition and lower prices.2.Lack of product diversity and quality item due to shortage of technical man-power and modern technology.3.Declining competitiveness , especially compared to countries with low laborcost .Since current wage rates in the E.T. industry are relatively high , theycontribute to rising production costs.4.Most factories have title or no R&D activities and lack testing facilitiesfor basisquality control.5.High dependency on imported raw materials such as high-quality fabrics/yarns.After careful thought , in my private opinion .We can improve and develop theThai E.T. Technology and clothing industry are as follow.1.Improve international competitiveness1.1 Increase productivity by applying modern technology & machinery ,upgradeskills and introducing modern management technique.1.2 Moving into higher value –added products1.3 Upgrading the quality and standard of products.1.4 Promoting foreign investment.1.5 Encouraging Thai industries to invest abroad.2.Conserve the environment and natural resources by introducing newtechnology to save raw materials , water and energy.For these problem and the developed method ,I seek the higher educationoversea to enhance my ability. The reason , I chosen Germany Universitybecause in thepresent , the German E.T. industries have transferred manymanufacturing location to Thailand and have increased in number. There , themanufacturing,quality and logistic are supervised by German specialists. Theyalso coordinate the joint venture with parent companies in Germany. Designdepartments , product development and model collection departments from manycompanies are still situated in Germany .And most of E.T. engineers who work atinternational operating branches are from the department of E.T. Technology atGermany University.My aim of this planned E.T. engineering studies with a Master of Science in E.T.Technology is to receive basic ,technique , technology and special knowledge.After obtaining my Master's degree , I want to be a E.T. specialist .I think ,I wouldlike to work in the some area , perhaps specializing more narrowly and focusingon Germany a shorter span times .Afterward ,I will bring the E.T.engineeringknowledge to improve and develop my country. I want to be a guy who can helpand develop my country.But this is not definite at the moment. I hope my idea as outlined above will meetwith your approval , at least in their general configuration. However ,the planofmy study plan can be subject to change under your advice and guidance. Iwould be very grateful for any advice ,you can give me.Thank you for your consideration and courtesy. I will await your reply.Sincerely yours,Miss.Dawrong Praditphausa~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~Read the table of contents of articles about the study of all Germany. Click here!Back to main page ~ * ~ * ~ * ~-2013 table of contents: site map Blog! ~ * ~ * ~ * ~.Follow Up date news that Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimmyandmais
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