Return on assets (ROA) represents the ability to make a profit. Compared to average assets, which in the last year, and equal to 2556 (2013) 10.15% 2557 2558, 15.48% and 10.30% respectively, causing yield back in quite a few levels.
Return on Assets (ROA) shows the ability to make a profit. Compared to average assets, which in 2556, 2557 and 2558 were 10.15%, 15.48% and 10.30%, respectively, causing a low yield returns.
Return on assets (ROA) represents the ability to make a profit. Compared with the average assets, which in 2556 2557 2558 10.15% and equal, and 15.48% 10.30% respectively. Cause of return back to level is relatively low.