emergent conversation When you have a prob ถ้าฉันต้องออกเดท ฉันจะพยายามวางตัวให้ดี ไม่ทำสิ่งที่ไม่ควรทำ ถ้าฉันต้องออกเดทฉันจะปรึกษาเพื่อนเพราะเพื่อนมีประสบการณ์การออกเดทก่อนฉัน
emergent conversation When you have a probIf I want dating. I will try to rest for good. Don't do anything that should not be made. If I need to consult a friend out there because a friend thachan delivers dating me.
emergent Conversation When You have a prob if I have a date. I will try to perform well Do not do what I should do if I have a date, I will consult with my friends because of my previous experience of dating.
Emergent conversation.When you have a prob.If I have to date. I"m trying to rest well. Don"t do what should not do.If I have to date I consulted with friends, because my friends experience dating before me.