Because it was supported by a major logistics business of the world. Such as Lennart Guangzhou pharmaceutical to FedEx's logistics centers for Asia and the Pacific. International Airport of the city of Memphis (1st in the world) is the center of the cargo company FedEx's international airport, Louis Ville (9 ratings world) is centred around the cargo of a UPS company. 6. consider matters value-added tax (VAT 7%) that ocean freight operators to air are. While in Singapore is not free of charge because they are considered as international transaction services. 7. to consider additional spare parts and repair center in the country to create an appealing market for aviation, said the region's Center is currently located in Singapore. 8. should push an industry source close to nearby airports or logistics park to make a difference from other countries such as Singapore, which is currently privately tried to push in a warehouse experience. However, the Government's contributions to development of the space and communications systems, such as access roads, enough. In addition, it should bring the cost rate information, freight costs include all of the items in each category, joining with consideration of each type of goods, because the cost of freight rate per different total costs. In order to be able to determine the fees of each category, as appropriate. Prevent entrepreneurs receive too much liability. Will affect the competitiveness of the country's exports. Especially the flower market to quickly transport very seriously.However, to respond to the management of the airport, development of public transport and goods. Must depend on Government policy as well as to interact, to formulate guidelines for development seriously and there is plans to catch up with international civilized country.
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