Please arrange 2 x 40 ' trailer and truck 1x10Wheels from TNS (yard # 2) SKL deep sea port on song khla 10 November 2014 in time 09.00 am and interfere with the delivery of information for car reservations into the pier with it.
Please arrange 2 x 40 'tow truck and 1x10Wheels of TNS (yard # 2) SKL Songkhla deep-sea port, 10 November 2014' in 09.00., And harassing shipping details for your vehicle to dock with it.
Please arrange the 2 x 40 'tow truck and 1x10Wheels from TNS (the # 2) SKL deep sea Songkhla port 10 2014 November' in time 09. 00 pm and disturb the shipping details car for book sense the ship !