I feel very strange to many of you about, I don't know if I think of more?
1) why do you want to send it to me because it's love, it would be too much. People have never come across a single page trust?
.AIR wAY BILL) track 2 company. Track parcel on the Internet and is similar to the scrammer
3) you never give the telephone number and address, of course with me
4) Gold tablets picture. It was repeated on the Internet:
.5.) If you love me you would send money through Western Union to decant is pouring over my house and hide in the parcel, which Western Union same day nasong and RIN to want me)
6 anybody because I was charged with fraud. Fool, love, and finally, they hurt each other
.ึ 7) I came to understand it was Scrammer. I would think it's more like playing games. Finally, someone lost. People win all speaking
if you are a good person you would love me more, but if not, you probably hate me and I don't want to talk to me again
. Now you just tell the feeling and reveal your identity with me..?
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