Observations:"The grass under the trees or the grass under the roof, usually don't sprout. Beginning in the vicinity of grass that sprout growth gets better, "he said.Set up the problem:"The Sun is involved with the development of the grass or not," he said."Slow growth in our culture dish bacteria do not grow if there is a Petri dish in the rasi green."SampleHypothesis "If your Fe Inn memorable inhibit growth of bacteria, so bacteria will not grow to Minori is Fe-SI more memorable included." "If the Sun were involved in ngokngom development of the grass so the grass where you do not receive the sunlight will not flourish or die." Or, "If the Sun is involved with the development of the grass so the grass where the sunlight received sprout growth," he said.SampleWhen predictions that answers "the Sun makes the grass grow growth so the grasses that sprout growth is sunlight. Beginning of grass that has not been the Sun will not grow or bloom Zhou died "so at this stage it is a step to make sure that we answer these predictions are correct or not, you can design an experiment as follows:Take the grass (or other kinds of crops, such as peas, green, that must be the same for both groups of 2 series of experiments), there are now grown in the Sun. Another group planted using zinc to cover does not receive sunlight (provided the control experiments and Chung are the same in all respects except to get the Sun to not get Sun.) Control of the quantity of water in the Group 2 category is approximately equal to 2 weeks notice and record the results.The experimentThe independent variable or variables is the Sun.Variable is the growing grass sprout (or the growth of the grass)The variable must be of type control soil, water quantity, the quantity of clay, a type of pot used to plant, a type of grass.นำข้อมูลที่ได้มาวิเคราะห์หาค่าเฉลี่ยความสูงของต้นหญ้า หรือการนำจำนวนใบของต้นหญ้า ซึ่งเราพบว่าต้นหญ้าที่ได้รับแสงแดดจะเจริญเติบโตงอกงามดีส่วนต้นหญ้าที่ไม่ได้รับแสงแดดจะมีสีเหลืองหรือสีขาวซีด และไม่งอกงาม สรุปผลการทดลอง
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