Chapter 1Water article.1.1 principles and reasons.Study in the major electronic industry code 1 ๒๒๑๔ ๒๑๐๔-level diploma subjects.Professional electronic technician disciplines Phuket technical college semester of this academic year 2553 1.The teacher held the integrated learning plan is an integrated project to provide students knowledge, skills,And create innovative new experience na allocation/project/work/artifact based on your interests.Students, students are expected to integrate new knowledge is to provide students with the skills.Based on performance, according to the indicated course as well as the integrity of the needs of.Establishment, so that students can apply in daily life, work or profession in the future.And live together happily in society is to follow the course of the Committee.Vocational training Act and corresponding national 2542 Buddhist education.Accordingly, I have the idea to integrate processing is a vertical water watering trees.The teacher be to create is the "energy saving" by the principles.Transducers of humidity as the PS4 comes to control the open and close commands of the class noiwan,Work conditions, which is expected to pour water, vertical tree machine automatically reduces the quantity of water used.Save time on irrigation water the trees. Electric energy saving. Reduce costs as well as lost helpEnhance their knowledge, skills and experience as a professional qualification by creating innovative new project//The artifacts, according to the interest of students, as well as the moral conduct of the on-demand.Of the main Nazi non sufficiency economy and good education policy 3.In life in the future.1.2 the purpose of the project.2.1 to create a water-pouring automatic tree.2.2 works to develop the invention into a standard. Can use.Quality, safe and economical. Focus on conservation and rehabilitation of natural environment.62.3 to encourage the use of integrated Master students and education policy localism 3 good.To create a portfolio Project/work/artifact2.4 to promote desirable feature in both the ethics code of conduct.In the student's major professional electronic technician Phuket technical college.1.3 scope of the project.Automatic vertical tree water-pouring machine The scope is as follows:1.3.1 input voltage frequency 220 volt 50 watt 100 Ritz heparin.1.3.2 times in water not watering for up to 30 minutes.1.3.3 per noiwan class works with individual water dispensing point with 1 point 1.1.4 operating methods.Automatic vertical tree water-pouring machine The steps are as follows:
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