I know something that I do that makes the family you don't like me. I understand. But I'm trying to adapt themselves better to you and your family!I think, if the กนึ่ง me into a family with you. I will adapt to the family? He would mind me
I'm scared, how am I supposed to do? Afraid of the family you don't like me
.I try to study สัฒ culture. If one day I had the opportunity to go home you can adapt
.I always think if one day you and I don't understand the language. Because some sentences you may understand the difference to me. Until we both have problems
but I won't give up. I will fight, and I'll do anything for the one I love
.Even now I don't know where you are, my feelings now send to you to tell you what, come back baby I need you
you are so special to me. If one day I miss you I can't live
you made me laugh and smile.
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