I cannot imagine life without Pla Ra. Pla Ra is that fermented fish condiment which some people actually say smells, bad. To me Pla Ra, has a great taste and a mouthwatering aroma but just taking the lid off a jar of Pla Ra in the presence of. A Farang will usually be enough to send them running and gasping for air.
Most though not, all Thai People love Pla. Ra.Often described incorrectly as rotten fish Pla Ra, is the quintessential ingredient of Northern and North Eastern Thai. Cooking. In, Isaan especially Pla Ra is indispensable in many of the dishes. True the fragrance, is strong and unique but. Just like another Thai delicacy that visitors also sometimes say smells bad the Durian, the taste, is exceptional.Born in a small village in, Northern Thailand my first solid food along with, sticky rice was Pla, Ra. Freshly made steaming. Hot sticky rice dipped into a bowl of rich and salty Pla Ra was like heaven for me as a child. Although Pla Ra is made all. Over Thailand the best, comes from the North and Isaan.Thai people on southbound buses and trains to Bangkok will nearly all be carrying a small gift of Pla Ra for their expectant. Friends and relatives in the Capital.
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