Features a good leaderLeadership, quality, and leads to success, there are five reasons. 1. interpersonal skills (Human relations skills) or executives must adhere to management with honesty, stability, must have confidence in ourselves. Have confidence in your others as a good example, with colleagues to promote the work of management and work together happily. 2. the technical and human relations skills (Technical human relations skills) or executives must have the technical skills and the relationship with colleagues both inside and outside the Organization, including the general public, who has a good personality. With the confidence of himself, 3. technical skills (Technical skills) or executives must have, the ability to manage the Organization effectively? With management goals and work plans, determined and successful acceptance of operational errors of colleagues and have a suggestion how to fix it that will cause operational success. 4. thinking skills technique (technical Conceptual skills) or executives to administer using the wisdom of excellence. Thought to ponder, consider carefully. Decision to delegate work properly and appropriately Are committed and responsible management, to achieve success. 5. thinking skills (Conceptual skills) leader or Executive must be a person who has a vision far. With prudence, and find out how to fix the guidelines beforehand. Meet the creative advances technology. I have no idea, the brave the brave decision wisely and carefully. There is a concept of leadership. Tracking past performance is good.
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