Innovation in production technology and information technology. Represents the application of a traditional measurement of pattern evaluation of operation and investment for innovation. In technology, manufacturing and information technology, new technology, new value assessment can be developed and be useful to view the long term needs as well as to realize tangible adverse effects. What you don't know and uncertainty (Noori 1990) Although it is difficult to show the number of. The decision to adopt innovation in production technology or information technology, but it is necessary to have. Consider the ability of innovation to reduce costs. To improve the quality New capabilities to market quickly. Creating new knowledge for future developments. The restructuring process of the WTO-related facilities Convenient and complete knowledge transfer to reduce the obstacles on the WTO and to modify in response to technology strategy. Continued pressure from competition and market changes that should be considered, including the impact on the environment as well (White and Bruton, 2007) Innovation in production technology from spreading as a result of the use of information technology (IT) and the Internet is difficult to find a manufacturer or service provider that does not require successful. Faced with rapid changes in internal processes, as well as the process that is associated with the customer and sender per. Research Technology management find out how to design, develop, implement, and manage. Information technology, however, the order will be executed both inside and outside the boundaries of the company.In addition, supply chain management systems in order to improve the links between the company and the company, and who is aware of the benefits that include reduced Lead Time, Cost, and Inventory Stock Out currently has to pay attention to the use of RFID technology (Radio-Frequency Identification) to track the movement of raw materials through the supply chain (Dutta and Whang, 2007) from Lee and Ozer (2007) in the industrial sector. A key advantage to RFID, including labour costs are lower. Collaborative supply chain solutions that are. Improve and reduce the need for inventory. While at the same time it has to offer the possibility of better products. However, it continues to demonstrate the necessity of the research properly. Precisely in order to close the "Credibility Gap" about the benefits of RFID. การมุ่งเน้นไปที่ประเด็นการออกแบบและการนำกระบวนการ ด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศไปใช้ที่ขอบเขตระหว่างบริษัทและลูกค้า ของบริษัท Heim and Sinha (2002) นำเสนอการจัดประเภทของ ผลิตภัณฑ์ด้านการบริการทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ที่แตกต่างกันตามเนื้อหา และกลุ่มหรือระดับตลาด ในการศึกษาในอุตสาหกรรมธนาคาร สำหรับรายย่อย Roth and Jackson (1995) พบว่า กระบวนการ เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศของระบบการส่งผ่านบริการส่งผลกระทบต่อการ รับรู้เกี่ยวกับคุณภาพการบริการของลูกค้ามากกว่าความรู้ของพนักงานที่มีปฏิสัมพันธ์กับลูกค้าโดยตรง Meuter et al (2000) พบว่า การ ออกแบบที่ไม่ดีจะเป็นอุปสรรคระหว่างบริษัทและลูกค้าเป็นปัจจัย สำคัญที่นำไปสู่ความไม่พึงพอใจของลูกค้า Finally, as an interesting technological innovations Information technology and the Internet has presented a new model of competition in the industry in technology management software industry discussed the basic questions that the company is development and positioning of the product? Open Source Providers to compete with those who do not hope, which is the maximum profit.
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