The Chinese have started this kind of drink, which they called "cha" or "te" at least 400 years before founding this tea will be sent to London for the first time in a decade that tea drinking was 1630 is the first by a Chinese emperor Shen-thick before the year 2737 Emperor had departed and had a break in bushes while drinking water is to boil it. The leaves, which is subsequently hidden more science called Cameillia Sinesis it or any tea flyer fall into kettle of Emperor. When the Emperor drank the water, it is very pleasing, and since then it is known of tea, etc. The British continued to use the word in saying, "tea salaeng", which is pronounced similar to the word "subsequent" cha cha was imported in Europe, where the First Nations in Europe that Portugal is a tea drink, until the year 1662 King of England or Lord chan at 2, he was married to the Princess of Portugal's capital thathoe lean, Bagan lalang, who brings good fortune comes to London. Businesses selling tea, it began to occur. Make tea becoming popular in London and eventually expand throughout the British Islands quickly.
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