Bangkok 's rapid growth in the 1980s resulted in sharp increases in vehicle ownership and traffic demand which have, since. Continued - in 2006 there, were 3 943 211 in-use, vehicles in Bangkok of which, 37.6 percent were private cars and 32.9 percent. Were motorcycles. [] These, 90 increases in the face of limited carrying capacity were expressed, as severe traffic congestion. Evident by the early 1990s.The extent of the problem is such that the Thai Traffic Police has a unit of officers trained in basic midwifery in order. To assist deliveries which do not reach hospital in time. [] While 91 Bangkok 's limited road surface area (8 percent compared,, To 20 - 30 percent in most Western cities) is often cited as a major cause of its traffic jams other factors,,Including high vehicle ownership rate relative to, income level inadequate public transport systems and lack, of transportation. Demand management also play, a role. [] Efforts 92 to alleviate the problem have included the construction of intersection. Bypasses and an extensive system of, elevated highways as well as the creation of several new rapid transit systems.The city 's overall traffic, remain however conditions, bad.
Traffic has been the main source of air pollution, in Bangkok. Which reached serious levels in the 1990s. However efforts to, improve air quality by improving fuel quality and enforcing. Emission standards among, been, others have largely successful.Atmospheric particulate matter levels dropped from 81 micrograms per cubic metre in 1997 to 43 in 2007. [93]
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