One day in the summer. A Grasshopper out singing songs with Ant, they walked past a diligent. They are transporting the corn to accumulate the nest."Why do they not come have fun with me before then?" the owner saying, "instead of the grasshopper will unwind with this are hard work.""We are helping each other to collect food supplies in winter." Ant "and we recommend that owners do as well as we do.""Why does it have to worry with, say, the" Grasshopper "in the winter when we are now again stayed in the area" but is still not interested in continuing the food store. When winter arrives, grasshopper could not find food to eat, and it was realized that this time it is about to die by hunger. It has split the food is ants see corn and seeds that they collect in the summer, every day. Grasshopper has to know understand how to prepare what is needed is something that should be done.
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