11. Personal hygiene of food handlers
11.1 wear clean clothes. An arm put Brogan
11.2 tie fabric apron, and wear a hat or a net cover me tightly
11.3. Food handlers wash hands before preparing the cook
11.4 use equipment to capture the food cooked success
11.5. Don't smoke while working on food
11.6. Food handlers with the hands have to cover the wound, neat and wear gloves
11 to tightly.7 food handlers nails short and clean always, no nails, no wear jewelry นิ้วมือและ wrist
11.8. Food handlers must all healthy, not disease, need to check with the doctor health
certified at least annually 1 times
11.9 food handlers must all through the course of food sanitation
12 Bangkok. Tank support, solid
12.1 the right size, no leakage. No wastewater from waste flow sloppy
12.2 lid tightly to prevent insects and animals bring disease
12.3 is the use of plastic bags put in the tank, another layer
12.4 accommodation garbage hygienic for the collection
13. Treatment of
13.1 trough drainage system. Drainage well. No waterlogging
13.2 wastewater drainage trough, clean, no food residues are cleaned every day
13.3. Installation of grease trap
13.4 grease trap effective work well
13.5 restaurant with area 200 sqm.To provide a system wastewater treatment effluent standard has
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