The graft copolymerization of hydrophobic mono- mer ( MMA ) onto preirradiated jute fiber in water- emulsified solution has been achieved. The crite- ria for such a grafting method will apply to free radical peroxidation graft copolymerization of natural fibers, irrespective of the mode of initia- tion of the reaction. The following conclusions have been made from the results obtained in this work.
/ 8e93$$4235 05-14-97 21:58:08 polaa
W: Poly Applied 4235
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There is an optimal concentration of emulsi- fier for maximum grafting in heterogeneous- phase graft copolymerization process.
AlthoughMPSAatlowerconcentration(1.0– 2.0 g/L) enhances the grafting level to some extent, it is not an efficient inhibitor for the grafting process presented here.
The total irradiation dose determines the number of grafting sites, although these sites do not increase significantly above a certain irradiation dose.
The increase in grafting level is linearly de- pendent on the monomer concentration until the active radicals are completely depleted.
Grafting reaction does not commence below 40