The rules in volleyballThe race.Use of risk selection or choose a frontier before serving competitors, 3 to 5 minutes of nets that war if both teams. The war, wars that accompanied the mesh has 6-10 minutes.The position of the players.While those who serve do serve each player must live in their territory. Three people in the front row players After each row is the back of a couple of his players, one at a time, as the front row to play the position error.As the party lost in the play the ball. The rotation must rotate clockwise.To change the players.Change the max 6 people per set. Each time it changes a few people. Beginning play in the set. To change the outgoing and return come into play once again in the same place. The players change into play only once in each set, and those changes must be former players.Playing the ball.Players are able to take the ball from outside the area back into play. One team can be the most balls three times. Except when block (four times), one of the players who would have been the ball 2: kakan No. With the exception of the block if the player was a child at the same time, it is considered to be 3 people 3 times if it is parallel over the mesh, it will not count. If the balls out party is considered the opposite result. If the anchor ball over the mesh would have to replay. The ball struck the nets continue to play until 3 times according to the set, with the exception of the waiter.The waiter.Will be served by a player who is positioned behind the right waiter. To determine the teams that will serve. In the first set 5-1 and by the risk that must be served, respectively, recorded. When you throw out to serve. Want to use your hands or any of the single arm. Jump serve to serve the ball within 5 seconds. After they blow a whistle If the child is being served. They are to serve within 3 minutes.The ball.The player can slap the ball land in a way any time from their own land, in the height of all levels. By the balls, while the touch. The ball must be in the territory of their own just any part, or all of them. Best player on the ball, but can jump, clap clap from the territory will be required after the. It evokes the ball if it is not in accordance with these rules is considered waste.Block.Only the front row players to block. A person or a group of blocks. When the ball has been blocked 3 times.Do not block the ball served can use different parts of the body from head to toe was a ball.Error mess ... Dan before or during the opponent's color or touch the ball in opponent territory into rival territory.While the ball is still in play, and the players are just as, or mesh antenna ... violate the border.Request time-out2. set. Not to change the 2 consecutive requests, there are also times for 30 seconds. During the time outside of the player everyone wants to go out on the field around a golf course near the bench.To change more than 1 person.Provide the first step and double, respectively.Events that occurIf there is reason to pause, play, play ball. If there is an event that happens to stop consuming no more than 4 hours.If the new use for the old stadium Set the stop to the race as usual. If you use another airport to cancel the set and then restart. The result of the past with the same results. If the stop exceeding 4 hoursTo restart the race.Break.Room between each set set maximum 30 seconds the room set 4 and 5 set 5 minutes. Both teams need a set of horizontal row senlang as soon as they get into racing khanto. And at the end of the match in each set. Both teams need to change border. In addition to the decisions setTo change the border.When finished, each team will need to replace the entire set of 2 border, with the exception of decisions set. Judging which team is set for 8 p.m., score. To change the border immediately, and the position of the players is based on the original.Restrictions of the player.Prohibiting players wear jewelry that is a solid metal during the competition of all kinds.Courtesy of the players.Players must accept the results of the competition. Ladies and gentle buyer decided opponent. Do not display and light concepts during the competition or rival mai elsewhere that are not as polite to others.
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