Thailand or the name of the Kingdom of Thailand is a nation-state, which is located on the peninsula, especially the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia is the east border with Laos and CambodiaWest adjacent to the Andaman Sea and Myanmar and North Burma and Laos Mekong River is bordered by a range of government with some parliamentary democracy, there is a center for the administration of the State affairs in Bangkok.organize a 76 province
Thailand has a large number of the world's 50 space is 513,115 square kilometers and has a population ranked 20th in the world is approximately 66 million people in the country is also a new industry with a main income from Industry and the service is very popular tourist attractions, such as a well known as a.Phuket, Bangkok and Chiang Mai, incomes for the country as well as the export is an important part of the development of the economy, with GDP of the country which has a value of about 334,026 million US dollars in accordance with the approximate Dr..Thailand's economy since 2553, 30 of the world's largest.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..