Relativism (dessert) Layer Sweet Cake (Kanom Chan) arranged in the ancient sacred dessert with the name unique. บ่งบอกถึงการ promoted and promoted in the work. A great meaning under the name of the snack. The relativism good flour have a soft, sticky, can be scraped into the layer.Recipe dessert relativism () Layer Sweet Cake (Kanom Chan).For, depending on the size, type used.Time 1 hours 15 minutes.Raw materials relativism (perf Layer Sweet Cake (Kanom Chan).1. Flour 1 / 2 cup.2. Starch 1 1 / 2 cup.3. แป้งท้าวยายม่อม 1 / 2 cup.4. Cream white 3 cup.5. Sugar 2 3 / 4 cup.6. Food coloring.How to make relativism (dessert) Layer Sweet Cake (Kanom Chan).1 mixed with sugar and cream. Heat to melt into the filter.2. Mix flour and 3 types together. Add coconut milk 1 1 / 2 cup massage until homogeneous about 10 minutes. Put all the remaining coconut milk and stir well.3. Divide dough into color to be mixed light color).4. Applying vegetable oil printing, the steaming hot about 1 minutes candy scoop put one 1 floor was approximately 3-5 minutes depending on the size of the print about 5-7 layer. When cooked, leave to cool the shovel out of print.Guide to relativism (dessert) Layer Sweet Cake (Kanom Chan).1. Relativism are good sticky dough kneading is long, at least more than 20 minutes.2. Each floor must observe candy drops The dough is transparent, then drops the next layer number. When cold. Can pick ออกจากพิมพ์ relativism beautifully.
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