Array is a variable for the same type of information collected. Down in the info box at the side from 2 or more channels. Publish default, variables, arrays can be done using the brace ({}) or to declare the individual slots, table settings, as needed. The section does not have a default value of zero.Pointer is a variable that stores the index up addressable locations of memory in which the pointer variables are marked with (*) are always precede the Moon. Pointer variables can be useful to reduce the amount of memory that is required to write a program by sending data in a pointer. In the program, call the function multiple functions at once, instead of sending the information in simple variables that require multiple variables.Pointer arrays are similar, but are different variables of the array table values that are the same type, variant, variant pointer array, but the variant, only the Address position. By not having to prepare a dynamic memory, mik.
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