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History of petanqueA leading sport nation pet ongkhao come in Thailand, is known as the first is Professor Chan Chit 2519 (1976) and later Han when there is a campaigning publication petanque naisi was happy tree (old students, France), which has the knowledge, the ability to play petanque. Currently widespread across all sectors, and are increasingly popular sport is also widespread child pet log study of Thailand. It was also selected as the recreational activities in the school. In addition, other agencies, both public and private, of considering the view that sports activities pet ongpen and promote harmony and reduce stress from missions. The duty to work.Size pitch A smooth, wide surface requires airport 4 meters long, 15 meters of concrete and wood surfaces, grass, not suitable for this type of sport.Play petanque equipment.1. blue ball is a sphere the decoy birds made of metal. With a diameter between 70.5-80 mm with a weight between 650 – 800 g with a manufacturer's mark. The figure shows the weights and numbers appear on the blue ball and blue balls that should have been adopted from the United Nations and the Association house pet ongnana pet onghaeng rachuptham country Thailand's King Sri นคริน know of rat chonni.2. the ball is spherical, but the target is made with synthetic materials or wood. With a diameter between 25-35 mm, and may be painted, but it must be a color that can be seen clearly in the perimeter of the airport.3. smooth surface playing tennis requires broad 4 meters long, 15 meters of wood flooring. Concrete and grass surface is not appropriate for this kind of sport.4. measuring tapeHow to play petanque1. pet ongpen sport played with condition with the exception of the concrete floor and the ground with grass up by the Board of Directors of the competition or the judge who is assigned. Every team needs players played for the final competition level. National and international airports must be 15 meters long, 4 meters wide, is at least one game and 13 points for the race in the first round and the next cycle (just 11 points.) For the final in a national or international level, use 15 points. Article 2 the player everyone wanted into the playing area by the gamble that any party will be thrown ball target. 3. the target ball thrown well, there must be rules. Is as follows: 3.1 there is a distance between the edge of the circle closest to the target ball. 3.2 the circle must stay away from any obstructions, and field greens or ฟาล์ว not less than 1 m. 3.3 position of the ball catcher must stay away from any obstructions, and not less than 1 m area. 3.4 ball target must be in a position that is clearly visible. While standing straight in a circle (if there is a dispute in this case, they are a dictator). 3.5 to throw the ball, hit on subsequent flights the circle around the target position of the ball in flight. A. the circle is the distance from the obstacle and pitch less than 1 m. 4. the target ball thrown then they Players. An animal or any other thing that moves and then stops, bring a new cast and not counted in the 3 times that have thrown and after the throw the ball and the first to target the pet ongluk and opposite parties also have the right to speak about the position of the ball hit the protesters, started to throw and the ball pet ongmai. 5. the target ball thrown if ฟาล์ว contains 5 cases as follows: 5.1 when the target ball thrown and not the correct location, as defined. 5.2 when the target moves out of line, but the ball hit the line ฟาล์ว the period. The ball hit at the target ball is considered to be ฟาล์ว out ฟาล์ว only. 5.3 when the target moves, the player can not be seen from the circle as defined. 5.4 when the ball moves to the target. Is the distance from the circle more than 20 meters, or less than 3 meters. 5.5 when the target moves. Can't find it within 5 minutes. 6. the text before or after the throw the ball catcher. Do not adjust or move players such things as rock, dirt, sand, etc., leaves in the gravel pitch competition viewpoint, except those only prepared to play with adjusting the pitch with which to throw the ball the player and pet ongkhong and pet ongprap ball holes that may be used no more than 3 times the player has broken the rules must be punished as follows: 6.1 has been warned. 6.2 adjusting the play ball, or the ball is being played as a child ฟาล์ว. 6.3 adjusting the only offender to abstain from playing one way. 6.4 adjusting the game both teams. 6.5 adjusting to losing two teams if the guilty are the same, or conspiracy. 7. message during each play. If it is a leaf of paper or anything else come to block the ball almost by accident, removed. 8. a message during playback if the child catcher, each move is considered to be a child of another airport, a good target.And they must demonstrate considerate. Patience and ability to help. 9. messages during each play. If this occurs, the target ball, ฟาล์ว, follow the rule text is as follows: 9.1 if the players on both sides had pet ongluea are. To play the tour considered void must start playing on the opposite side. 9.2 if any one party has a pet ongluea ball is the sole party points equal to the number of children remaining without ongthi pet and begin to play on the opposite side. 10. message catcher who was shot and then move from the original location. 10. during the playback of each if the ball catcher moves in another is considered a good. On the way to the opposite side, where the old stadium, but must follow the rules that are defined in the.Benefits of petanqueIs not very strong, but to benefit from the development of the body. 1. the development of the body. An important part of pet องก็ is finger play. Arm elbow wrist and shoulders, everything must be relevant to the enforcement of the child, and the strokes and the need to have a good eye for the shift period to cast accurately by the players will have to walk to walk along the length of the pitch, which is 15 m wide and long course meters to get a ride to 4 putting the child at any time, or to play, so the strength of the legs increases with Yes.
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