Once upon a time... There is a young man who one day one poor young men to found Stork injury. Because this is an arrow of hunters with pity at all heal the wound, and then release the owner made a stork flying up to the sky. In the night when the young Prince came back to the House. He found that there was pretty one, she stood in front of his cabin. Still thinking that he would flirt with. Girl, it's mentioned that a "welcome home brother sister Ka is the wife of a handsome brothers" The young man surprised and said "love poor people need durable molding cycle does not have a sister raised regarding intelligence." Pretty girl said "do not worry brother. My sister is addicted to laikrasop, "Rice said, and then she went khrua do. The young Prince of parties do not know how good he is with his wife and little girl, usually a live together happily eat. ... One day his wife woman young man to create a weaving room, she. When the young man was. She asks the young man promised "that she was weaving into healthy young men forbidden is disallowed." The young man, get a. After that, she disappeared into the back room for several nights, and come out with a ยอ่อน nue. Skinny body to look into the young Prince thought. Pretty girl stood with her hand-woven fabrics, the fabric of the young officers, which is very beautiful. That young man has never seen before. A young woman tells a young man bringing clothes to sell in a market where they sold expensive. Then, as a young man, rich Tan eyes see. The young Prince filed several months, suspicion is not the wrong wife, wai weaving sneak contract. But instead I found a wife for yourself Heron's feather itself is being pulled out, weaving. When the Stork to see the young man in the wrong contract, told how she was a bird that young officers to assist. Appreciation for a benefactor, you come upon at all, but today a young man her contract so wrong to leave heart. Then, she said, the young Prince is the one with the fabric to show a different face, I lost my flight back to not come back. The young father of winter we have to hum the fabric fix instead of a girl, hug. ... Story, this end up leaching.
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