Provincial treeKanchanaburiHickoryLegs MrsThe common nameMoulmein LancewoodThe scientific name.Alstonia macrohpylla WallSubfamilyHomalium tomentosum Benth.Different names.Leg (Central, machanthaburi), Mrs. Khanang Khang (Central), Mrs. fees Khot (Rayong), White elephant (Chiang Mai), Zack phlu (Karen-Kanchanaburi province) packings, (Ratchaburi), nude ngang (Kanchanaburi), Homalium tomentosum (samydaceae) pueay pueay (uttaradit), Pueay cry, langur, (Lampang) In order to reconcile the monkey, (Nakhon Ratchasima)General characteristics:Is a perennial, deciduous, height 15-30 metres of bark colour white? Ruen is the elite soft twigs, shrubs, solid, soft brown fur leaves arranged alternately on the single egg-shaped leaf resembles a wavy tooth saw a bouquet of flower leaves and twigs as well small, pale yellow, flowering from March-may.BreedBy seed.The appropriate conditions.The limestone soil contamination is very. Water and humidity moderate.DemonMoist mixed deciduous forest Very common in Ratchaburi, Kanchanaburi province.Motto, Kanchanaburi province.Ancient Italian region Dan Mani pagoda city, Kan. bridge over the River Kwai. Waterfall ore
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