Reaction rate constant (rate of chemical reaction), the reaction rate constant (the reaction rate, r) refers to the changes in the concentration of precursor substances or products when the time changed to
.The relationship between the concentration of precursor and chemical products with time
. While the reaction of the precursor molecules, it will change as the product. Make precursor concentrations decreased. Best concentration of chemical products will be increasingly. • To measure the concentration of precursor
• Measuring the concentration of the substance measured in the note
product rate of reaction is what is
1. Need to mix (shake) with consistent
2. When the mix is like recess immediately measure
3. To mix by hand to find the initial reaction rate (initial rate) really have very difficult, because when you are finished by hand, mix the measurement is made, it means that the time has passed for at least 3 seconds
4. To do the experiment at low concentrations ranging from family camping holiday modules lali level (mM) to
. Consider the reaction
if, rather than the concentration of the substance in the reaction is [A], [B] and [C], we will be able to find the rate of reaction from
. Rate of reduction rate on C
products of precursor A and one of B
( Reduced rate put the minus sign)
1 sample degradation of H2O2 into O2 and H2O
reaction rate is.
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