We have many forests exist but there is no forest to vast and pure than the Amazon forest (Amazon), there are many stories of South haengomerika the disguise is in the forest, this property. Amazon forest, wide space to eat in 5 of South America, covering an area of half of the remaining next to Brazil in eight neighboring countries accounted for about 2.5 million forest space square mile (6.4 million square kilometers), mostly as a parallel to the Equatorial Plains and split into the Northern jungles to the South is the river Amazon. Which is located at Mount? Andy Davis (the Andes) of Peru and flows from West to East, a distance of up to 6400 kilometers into the Atlantic Ocean, but the stunning size of that volume is not fashionable any artificial river. This is because there is a river that flows into this river to 1100, and the width of the Amazon River, it is very large, estimated from the inlet to the continent with more than 1000 km, width up to 10 kilometers wide at the mouth of the Bay to 320 km to Spa!! Therefore, The water gushing into the ocean with a large volume. Push salt water away from shore, nearly 200 kilometers of the Amazon River, in addition to a very deep, it is said that ships can sail through the water, contrary to the land of Brazil to 3700 km, hence water transportation on the territory of this precedence, several times, and of course land. In the River, the world's largest fish, the world's most fierce. It is well known that we fish off the drug-running (piranha) which it has sharp teeth and bite expert, krip said that fishermen who fall for it, and release it from the hook threw a belly boat. Many people have fingers or toes just 9 inches!! But if it is necessary to go down in the water. The natives had a layout technique, specific movements at all times. Do not play, then you are marooned danger from drug-running off. Vari-scary animals in another type of Kai Maan (caiman), is the largest crocodile of the Amazon, but actually it's not much, and remembrance of the victims at the end of its recent sales prices of leather to the garment until it's almost used up ro count down. Another awesome animals, another giant snakes (anaconda) icon. Have never found another 13 meters long, David icon in this Amazon jungle. Zoo residents living along the river Amazon man there are many kinds of robots such as the tapir (tapir) it is like a thick leather horse to mix Rhino 2 inches making it a floating water plants living according to the Bank. Prices year BA (capybara), rat (rodent), the Zoo is the largest in the world. The only size. The pig's full grown dude long hard and almost 80 kilo meter like the crowd is eating grass and plants, approximately 20 water, food or a dugong (manatee), round fat ugly despicable transportation wireless. It's like a pie made of limbs, black can swim, manam. It is often like watching swimming, boat slip aside a are friendly in the world. Another one that likes water, but living on land is an Ant-eating (anteater), which is the edible ants sonni has giant (giant anteater), it will look for ants and termites to eat digger to dig up the area in front of its claw foot high, long and powerful, can easily fall to the anthill use Turkey or an strong nose, find victims to dig up its long, sticky tongue, an nuep 10 inch. Now, come and see the animals living on land, really? In fact, the word "land" for the Amazon forest, it probably is not. As a result, this is an area of land that has the water to dampen Plains. The official said that with the river or the river. Thus was born the flood every year, or say the flood almost throughout the year. and there are enough river water will be trapped as yom, which bumped the Brazil water Lake calls this "the Northern Sea, adidas (varzea)." The land where the watery effect of temperature is relatively constant, between 20-32 c, there is no winter, summer or spring is wet with dry season only (wet and dry seasons). When a constant temperature so different deciduous trees budding fruit eyes effect at any time of the year, for example, that after the big rains, trees, flower bouquet, maybe the tightness at the stage of spring arrive and. Enough to sound stuffy day at noon, Crow silence is missing. Leaf petal falling to flock into the soil in the Valley is in the เหมันต season, and enough air into the darkness while they iced! into acute until dawn, so there will be fresh to come replace it again. Life in a day is the same through all season. สิ่งน่าอัศจรรย์อีกอย่างหนึ่งของป่าอเมซอน ก็คือ ความมืด เนื่องจากต้นไม้นับล้านๆ ต้น พากันแก่งแย่งแสงแดด มันจึงเติบโตสูงชลูดสุดกู่ และแผ่กิ่งก้านสาขาราวกับมีร่มสีเขียวมหึมากาง อยู่บนยอด ส่วนลำต้นนั้นมีแต่ความเปลือยเปล่าไร้กิ่งก้าน แสงอาทิตย์สามารถส่องทะลุลงไปถึง พื้นดินได้เพียงแค่ 10 เปอร์เซ็นต์ แลดูสลัวๆ ดุจอยู่ในโบสถ์ทึมๆ บางต้นไม้ใหญ่จะมีไม้เถาวัลย์ที่เรียกว่า ไลอานา (Liana) ขึ้นเกาะเกี่ยวพันอยู่ราวกับงูตัวยาวเลื้อยขึ้นไปหาแสง สว่างแล้วก็มีไม้พวกรากอากาศคือ อีพิไฟต์ (epi- phyte) เกาะเป็นกลุ่มอยู่บนยอดไม้ใหญ่ อะไรๆ ก็แย่งกันขึ้นไปหาแสงแดด ส่วนล่างนั้น โปร่งเหมือนบ้านใต้ถุนสูงที่มีแต่เสา The temperature stability of the forest and plant existence. Without the changes, but the primitive era. Forests in Europe or North America. approximately 11000 years ago, but life just forest, there are more than 100 million years, the Amazon has been!! It is the only remaining forests exist, anyone can experience the past through klaiphon and by a long life so simple things many many formation and evolution than Woods in the world. For example, many types of fish, fish is the sea change coming in fresh water, in the Amazon river network has over 3000 fish to genus (species), compared with the European River with just 150 genera.But it seems strange that animals on land return find. From a land devoid of sunlight is less, it's a little animal eating plants, animals eat meat (which eats the animals eat plants) is less.Various animals living in the forest, the Amazon has is due to adaptation to the environmental conditions of the forest. Many types of climb up to the top of high wood. Many types of measles to live along an Urumqi Government bank with 50.
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