มีหญิงสาวคนนึงเธอเพิ่งเข้าทำงานได้เพียง๒เดือนที่โรงงานแถวจ.ปทุมธานี ตล การแปล - มีหญิงสาวคนนึงเธอเพิ่งเข้าทำงานได้เพียง๒เดือนที่โรงงานแถวจ.ปทุมธานี ตล อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


มีหญิงสาวคนนึงเธอเพิ่งเข้าทำงานได้เพียง๒เดือนที่โรงงานแถวจ.ปทุมธานี ตลอด๒เดือนเธอทำงานตอนกลางวันตลอด แล้ววันนึงหัวหน้าก็บอกว่าให้ไปทำงานตอนกลางคืนโรงงานนี้เป็นโรงงานเล็กๆ มีห้องเพียงไม่กี่ห้อง วันแรกที่เธอทำงานตอนดึก ความจริงวันนี้ต้องมีคนทำงานพร้อมกัน ๔ คน แต่ลาป่วย ไม่มาทำงานถึง ๒ คน มีเพียงเธอและพี่ผู้ชายอีกคนนึงมาทำงาน เธอก็แยกย้ายไปคนละห้องกับพี่ผู้ชาย โดยห้องที่เธอทำงานจะมีโต๊ะอยู่กลางห้อง เธอนั่งทำงานหันหลังให้ประตู ส่วนพี่อีกคนนึงก็ทำอีกห้องนึง ข้างนอกห้องปิดไฟหมดเพราะโรงงานต้องการประหยัดไฟ เธอก็นั่งทำงาน ไม่มีคนมีแต่เพียงเสียงเครื่องจักรที่ดังอยู่ เธอก็นั่งทำงานหันหลังให้ประตูไปเรื่อยๆ สักพักก็รู้สึกมีคนวิ่งผ่านประตู เธอก็หันไปมองก็ไม่เห็นใคร มีพี่ยามอีกคน เธอก็คิดว่าไม่น่าจะมาในนี้ เธอก็เลยทำงานต่อไปสักพักก็รู้สึกมีคนวิ่งด้านหลังอีก แต่วิ่งสวนทางกับรอบแรก เธอก็หันไปมองก็ไม่เจอใคร มีแต่เพียงความมืดเพราะด้านนอกปิดไฟหมด พอถึงเวลาพักกลางดึก เธอง่วงมากเธอก็เลยนอนพัก เธอไว้ผมยาวถึงหลัง ปกติเธอไม่มัดผมเธอก็นอนในลักษณะก้มหน้าลง แล้วเธอก็หลับไป ตื่นมาก็ตกใจ เพราะผมของเธอถูกมัดให้เป็นเปีย๒ข้าง เธอตกใจมากใครมาเล่นหรือใครมาแกล้งเธอแบบนี้ เธอรีบแกะยางมัดผมออก แล้วออกไปหาพี่ผู้ชายที่อยู่อีกห้องนึง แต่ปรากฏว่าพี่ผู้ชายคนนั้นหลับอยู่เธอจึงไม่ได้ปลุกและกลับมานั่งทำงานตามเดิม แต่ครั้งนี้เธอทำงานโดยหันหน้าให้ประตูเพราะเธอเริ่มกลัวแล้ว นั่งทำงานได้ไม่เท่าไรไฟก็ดับ ตอนนี้เธอมองไม่เห็นอะไรทั้งนั้น ไฟดับหมด งานที่ทำก็ยังไม่เสร็จ เธอกังวลมาก เธอนั่งรอจนไฟติด แต่เมื่อไฟติด ภาพที่เธอเห็นคือที่มุมห้อง มีผู้หญิงคนนึง ผมสั้น ใส่ชุดนอนสีแดง นั่งกอดเข่านั่งก้มหน้าอยู่ เธอกรี๊ดตกใจเหมือนคนสติแตกรีบวิ่งไปหาพี่ผู้ชาย พี่ผู้ชายก็ถามว่ามีอะไร เธอก็เล่าให้ฟัง เธอก็พาพี่ผู้ชายมาดูที่ห้องก็ไม่เจอใคร เธอบอกกับพี่ผู้ชายว่าเธอขอลาออก แล้วรีบไปสตาร์ทรถมอไซค์กลับบ้านทันที ขณะที่เธอสตาร์ทรถมอไซค์ มองไปที่ประตูทางเข้าของบริษัท ผู้หญิงชุดนอนสีแดงคนนั้น ยืนโบกมือเรียกเธออยู่อย่างช้าๆ.. เธอกลัวจนสั่นไปหมดทั้งตัว เธอก้มหน้าบิดมอไซค์อย่างไม่คิดชีวิต จนถึงบ้านของเธอ แล้วเธอก็ไม่กลับไปที่โรงงานนั้นอีกเลย ผู้หญิงใส่ชุดนอนสีแดงเป็นใครเธอก็ไม่รู้
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
I have a girl, she had worked for only two months at the plant row.Locations throughout the two months she worked throughout the day. Then one day when the leader was told to go to work at night, this plant is a small plant. There are only a few rooms. The first day she worked late. This fact must be four people simultaneously.No two people have to work to her brother and another man came to my office. She was separated in different rooms with the older men. The room will have a desk in the middle of her work. She was sitting with his back to the door. The other thing I would do another one.She worked. There is only the sound of the machine. She was sitting with his back to the door, and so on. Some people feel it rushed through the door. She turned to see who it is. There is another guard. She decided not to come in here.It runs counter to the first round. She did not know who to turn to. But just because the outside light out of darkness. By the time late at night. She had her drowsy sleep. Her long hair to the back. She normally sleeps in the head, she tied me down.I was shocked because her hair was tied into a braid two sides. She shocked many who pretend play or who she is. Lamb, she tied it off. Then I go out and find another man in my room.But this time she worked with their faces to the door because she began to fear it. I have not worked the fire is extinguished. Now she could not see anything out of the fire that was not done, she worried she waited until lights. But when the lights.A woman with short hair wearing red pajamas. Cuddly bear sitting in his seat. She screamed as I raced for the varsity older men. I asked the man what was. She recounted. She took a look at the man I had not met anyone.I rushed home immediately starting motorcycle. While starting her motorcycle. Looking at the entrance of the company. Woman in red pajamas men. Waved to her feet slowly.., Her whole body shaking with fear. Her face twisted motorcycle for his life. To her home. She did not go back to the factory again. Women wearing red pajamas, she did not know anyone.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
A young woman now, she only had 2 months to work at the factory row,Pathum Thani along 2 months she worked throughout the day and leader of the whole day, they say, goes to work at night, this factory is a small factory. There are a few room. The first day she was working late. The truth today is people working together, 4 people. Not working up to 2 people, only she and her brother guy, another editor is at work, she moved to separate different rooms with elder men. By that, she will have a desk in the middle of the room. She sat facing each other, working doors. Best shot again, another editor of the whole room. She's sitting at work. There are no people there, but it just sounds so that the machine is working, she turned back to the door so there were some people rushed through the door. She turned to look at, I don't see anyone. A senior guard. She thought unlikely to come in. But the first round against rush, she turned to look, it doesn't meet anyone. There is only darkness because all lights turned off enough on the outside to the middle of the night and time. She is very lethargic, she had her long hair up to the room. Normally she was not sleeping in her hair tied bow in front. He woke up panic her hair was tied into a pigtail, 2 sides. She thought a lot who play, or come to annoy her. She rushed out, and I had a bunch of rubber, sheep go to elder men of the whole room. But this time, her work by facing the door because she started to fear. Ride to work is how much light it level. Now she can't see what all the blackout. Work is still not finished. She worried a lot She is waiting until it lights but when lights. There is the whole woman. Short hair Wear a red couch to sit down in front of the seat and knee hug. She was shocked to shriek like a broken remnant of people rushing to find a brother man. Brother guy was asking if there is anything she talks to her brother took a look at that guy, it doesn't meet anyone. Then hurry to return home as soon as they sit on tharot star. While her star tharot sit on Look at the entrance door of the company. Girls pyjama red. Standing waving hands she is running slowly.She was afraid to shake all over. She got in front of twist to sit on without thinking of life until her home and she did not return to the factory. Women who are wearing red Pajamas she don't know.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
There is the girl who she had only been in operation for only 2 months at the factory lines.Throughout her work, Pathum Thani 2 month throughout the day, and then some day the chief said that he was to go to work in the night the factory is a small plant with a room just a few days, the first day she was working late at the truth must be the people who are working at the same time 4.Do not come to work at 2, and I have just had another man who she broke up to whomever had to work with each of the men in the room that I had to work with a desk in the middle of the room she was sitting with his back to goal and I am again, snapping the room snapping it.She was sitting there, but they do not have a sound machine that is as she sat up with his back to the goal as far as you can go for a while there was a man running through the door she turned to look at it again, I have not seen anyone who she thought it was not to be in this.but it runs counter to her first round, they turned to look at it, but only those who have not met the darkness because the outside light is turned off when the time expires property in the middle of the night she was very sleepy and went to sleep after her long hair She normally does not bind me she was lying in a manner to be determined.I woke up because I was afraid she was tied to a rupiah 2 beside her who was shocked to come and play or who come to annoy her, she ran out, and then I tied rubber sheep went out to the man in the other room that I whomeverBut this time she did her work, facing the door, because she was afraid, and began to sit down do not work, and how much goes out and now she could not see anything, it was the Power outage has expired. has not yet been completed her worry. She waited until the fire, but when the fire caughtThere are plenty of women who wear short hair snapping horizontal red sat down to hug his knees bent his head to her, startled looked- like a man lost his nerve ran to find her brother men, men that are asked to listen to what she had told him that she would take me to see the man, he could not find anyone whoAnd then she went to restart a car Solomon ไซค์ back home as soon as she had a car ignition ไซค์ looked at the entrance door of the women's company, red man, waving a hand at her slowly.she was afraid that she was bent down to shake up to the twist ไซค์ Solomon's life to the house, don't think of her, and then she was not to return to the factory, Women wear a nightgown, red is a nobody, and I don't know
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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