5.2 economic impacts of sectoralTo make free trade agreements under the framework agreement, ASEAN-India free trade area (AIFTA) and.The framework agreement on the establishment of the Thailand-India FTA (ITFTA) is expected to cause detrimental to the economy.In Thailand, the main factors are the overall by the expansion of the actual investment in the country from importing capital goods.That has been the reduction in the tax, under Administration/quit toklong and the expansion of exports from the reduction of obstacles.Duty during another ASEAN member countries Thailand and IndiaHowever, the liberalization of trade in General, in addition to expanding market opportunities, potential manufacturers.As mentioned above, reducing the walls to discourage trade or reduce the protection of domestic producers that want to race.With goods imports shall affect the manufacturers/entrepreneurs within the country. Key findings on theAnalysis of whether the manufacturer in any benefit from the toklong and in the field to lose benefits from a fall.Long will lead to policy recommendations to the appropriate regional overall impact.Sectoral economy of Thailand appear in tables 5.3
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