Boat racing is one of Thailand's ancient flooring that has been playing together since ancient times derived presumably would have to play each other in the Sukhothai boat racing because of the war in the past with both land and water, which require the use of a ship as a vehicle shall have to practice rowing regatta, but there is no evidence it appears in writing. From the flak that rowing and has been playing in the Ayutthaya period appear in various kotmonthianban about the ceremony. In the Ayutthaya period mentioned monthly 11 ceremony, which is to depoliticize the sayu chaphithi rowing ceremony. In addition, in a letter to LA LUMIERE bear comments. Also discusses playing rowing of the villagers in the Ayutthaya period, which is often confused with gambling and playing a very popular one in those days. Play boat racing is a sport native played a continuous succession. Even in the era of Rattanakosin, evidence that a player always comes as a regular boat races, for example, in the reign of the first two trials, and palaces. The Palace has been excavated in the pool since they give is 2361 rowing in time. In the reign of the fifth rowing is a sport widely played. When foreigners visit them. shaggy plays boat racing management to foreigners. It appears in one episode of his thesis. "Yes, there are nawanni the cages of the Ark Royal racing venues packages, big river. Boat seats, four of my Ph.d., guava pie he is coming to watch. " (His Majesty King Rama, 2456:15). Playing a race of people in the central region "aims to be a merit-making charity is a village in the thodokthin Festival, which he does in the Fryer during this period will be 10-12 which is a season. Villagers who live along the River to use the boat as a vehicle when there is a ceremony to parade the same merit is the way to bring the kathina element. He also measured element as ritual, it will have to play together, that boat people who participate in the competition will be a boon. In addition, there are also boat races to play, to play, to aim for some reasons such as many locals will be rowing in the work the annual tour of each locality. Some are rowing for the villagers eating spirits, respect. Some provide play fun carnival Festival boat races. อย่างไรก็ตาม การแข่งเรือมักนิยมจัดให้มีการเล่นเฉพาะในฤดูน้ำมากเท่านั้น การเล่นแข่งเรือของชาวบ้านสมัยก่อนในภาคกลางมักจัดเป็นประเพณีประจำปี และมีการเล่นเป็นที่แพร่หลายแทบทุกจังหวัด เช่น จังหวัดประจวบคีรีขันธ์ ราชบุรี สมุทรสงคราม สมุทรสาคร สมุทรปราการ กาญจนบุรี กรุงเทพฯ จันทบุรี อ่างทอง สุพรรณบุรี สิงห์บุรี และนครสวรรค์ เป็นต้น ไม่เพียงแต่ภาคกลางเท่านั้นที่นิยมเล่นการแข่งเรือ แต่ภาคอื่นๆทุกๆภาค ไม่ว่าจะเป็นภาคเหนือ ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ และภาคใต้ ก็ล้วนมีการแข่งเรือเป็นเทศกาลสำคัญของแต่ละภาคทั้งสิ้น อาจกล่าวได้ว่าการแข่งเรือเป็นกีฬาพื้นเมืองของชาติไทยโดยแท้ก็ว่าได้เพราะมีการเล่นเป็นที่ยอมรับว่ามีความสำคัญในทุกๆภาคของประเทศ ในปัจจุบันการเล่นแข่งเรือยังมีเล่นกันอยู่โดยทั่วไป The opportunity to play. Playing in the event, the work of the Buddhist lent thodokthin FRY and miss the Carnival job, he frequently organized rowing in the water, starting from the month of may takes up to and more in the range of approximately October through December. Players. Played both men and women will play in the adult by a player or will be as a team, each beam boats. The number of players on each team will be a lot less then the individual would agree and, depending on the size of the vessels that will be used to compete, but are often classified players each team, there are a number of players, both men and women equally. Some may manage a team to compete in the men's team during the parties, usually women, to which the male team player team total, women outnumber each team played etc. from 2 – 3 people or more. The playback device. 1. Paddle boat, big as small but OK. The type of boat used, there are several competing categories, such as canoe. Grinding vessel Las boats. Boat pin Long boat The ship and sampan boat horses leap mad, etc. are often used with the type and the same race. The number of teams each with 1 aircraft 2. using the paddle canoe for a similar size. Each one an Places to play Playing in a swamp or Lake reiterated canals with water is set to width, length is a float or embroidered flag at the Bank, and as long as the two sides of the barrier to start. From the start line to pitch as well (most often a distance race from 200 meters) to the flag, using a float or long stick at all to the Bank 2 the finish line. How to play. 1. When agreed, saying the team will race against a team which may have a number of ships from two to several aircraft. Each of the ships is to prepare the aircraft started to turn the boat toward the finish line of each aircraft, some distances. 2. When the signal to start the race directors, players of each beam boats together with their boat to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. 3. Any ship to reach the finish line first is the winner. 4. Some locals to use the flag next to the floating buoys in the middle horizontal line. Which rowing boat to reach the flag and grab the flag, before a win. 5. Some local people use very long, one must use a spatula, 20 – 40 persons called "boat racing", is one stroke in kayaking. Is there krap hit? Knock wood, drummer is to keep everyone in the boat rowing by unison. It is a delightfully entertaining generally. The rules for 1. before the start of play, all will want to float the boat even at the start line concept. 2. between the rowing boat players competing do not each other boat beam distilled to annoy. 3. during the rowing competition. Boat.
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