Royal holiday tradition.Northern The interval from 5 months to 7 months apart (matches February through April or may of each year) for approximately 3-7.The importanceA tradition. a capital holiday celebration, various properties to merit chonongsason to produce an Italian song as he and his family are considered very strong charity boon. It is also a show of unity to unite with the monks and villagers, because it is a big job. Merit capital popular POI is merit to charity section devoted to their parents. Grandparents or relatives to die already.RitualsBefore working capital 1-day holiday known as Wanda. The villagers to bring the measure to the so-called kitchen decorating combines beautiful, according to Polish, but is free. Get what this decoration, kitchen Prep or KOA Sdn Bhd. To parade to the measure that would provide POI Luang.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..