How to make boiled eggs.1. prepare eggs.2. boil hot water, boiling.3. bring to boil eggs come in hot water.4. wait until the eggs float on the water surface.5. bring the eggs from the water and ready-to-eat baby cot linen chest.
How to make eggs first. Prepare eggs with two. Boil water to a boil 3. Eggs boiled in hot water 4. Wait until the egg floats on the water surface 5. Remove the eggs from the water's hot and ready to eat cradle cap.
How to make egg 1. Prepare eggs ready 2. Boil the water to the boil 3. The eggs boiled in hot water, 4 . Until the eggs float on the water surface, 5 . The eggs out of the hot water and the casing เปลอ a ready to eat