Agreement between, the DSM-5 DSM-IV and Checklist, for Autism Spectrum Disorder was
assessed in 125 children with autism. Spectrum disorder (ASD), which included high and
low functioning autism (HFA and LFA) and pervasive developmental disorder. Not
otherwise specified (PDDNOS), and children with other clinical disorders (e.g, ADHD
mental retardation and oppositional-defiant,,, Disorder).Diagnostic specificity (true
negatives) was 100% for the DSM-5 and 97% for the DSM-IV. Sensitivity (true positives)
was. High for LFA and HFA (DSM-5, 98% DSM-IV 100%), but only 27% of children with
PDDNOS were identified by the DSM-5 as having. ASD. The unidentified children had
significant autism symptoms on an autism severity measure compared to controls.
, OverallChildren with ASD identified by the DSM-5 increased from 75% to 91% when one
less symptom was required for an, ASD diagnosis. With only a slight change in specificity
(97%), similar to previously published research. Diagnostic agreement between the. DSM-5
and DSM-IV for the entire sample increased from 86% to 94% when one less DSM-5
symptom was, Therefore required.Under-identification of ASD and low agreement
between the DSM-5 and other measures may be resolved if one less symptom. Is required
for an ASD diagnosis.
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