Within the temple of suddhavasa). ปราสาทเมืองที Castle Khmer has been adapted in the days after the castle of brick plastering with 5 after build together as a group on the same base after the one in the middle. And 4 back corners, 43 after which scheme is the square recess wood twelve after large end, a central stair ascent on all four sides. Housing element tons solid no door due to the modification of the price as I have 3 I imitate the เรือนธาตุ.The ancient Khmer is another popular build. The stupa and four corners according to belief in the doctrine of Hindu. No inscriptions or pattern of art can be said that created when
.The journey away from the city for about 16 kilometers. Follow the path Surin - sikhoraphum highway 226 until the ban Khok lamduan Turn left the temple of suddhavasa
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