Biography of Mrs. Dong Mrs. Dong's traditional ancient times but which derive from modern times, Grandpa-Grandpa Grandma grandfather-who, before many other games. The old man asked the elderly people of the village to listen to. The past has a lot more based on trust. Ghost sang the angels will into a person's arm, and he's also got some other games that were very old people to have talks that the ghosts will all shape the angels sang: Mrs. colors. Mrs. Chang, but the rest are just games. Mrs. Dongthaonan, but some years ago, the traditional Mrs. head Buffalo na Sai. Mrs.., but it is not very popular, very popular and will play in succession come round, Mrs. Dong will play from children to adults and old people as well as people in other talks, is. All games at this again until now does not play, because people do not like, but it is not like people first, and mouth but before and it's not like the past ones mouth rarely maintain tradition and culture. Sometimes I like to talk not as auspicious by the trust so that the ghosts would not come down the angels sang into the tank. These games are played each other at night except for God, and will play each other during the Songkran Festival and Songkran Festival of villagers all the pink, 7 days, the last day of the Songkran Festival is April 19, there will be a ceremony of old men who head black watering and bathing his succession will come every year.
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