a depository work cleaning the appropriate in some categories required size.
be maintained relatively suitable
. During 2002, food production has performed its raw materials, transport line
diversification mix container and packaging market in the airtight
ratings were 30 sleep together
3.3 ice in contact with food in the production process, 3.3.1
Quality standard in 2005, according to the standard of Ministry of public health 3.3.2
a transport line storage and its application in pharmacy.
3.4 hygienic steam in contact with food in the production process 3.4
.1 quality standard in 2005, according to the standard of Ministry of public health
0.5 3.4.2 a transport line storage and its application in pharmacy.
3.5 hygiene water contact with food in the production process 3.5.1
! Quality or standard in 2005, according to
.The standard of Ministry of public health
3.5.2 has its storage and transport line
leading to its use in hygienic
3.6 process control management relatively suitable
3.7 products.
3.7.1 monitoring analysis's rating quality of
.Products and keep the records from 2001 relatively increased to 2 2002
3.7.2 have isolation or destroy products 2004
0.5 appropriate ratings 3.7.3 has maintained relatively suitable
1.0 3.7.4 have transport competition in the diseased), formerly to 30
mix sleep and degradation
1.5 3.The record shows 8 type and volume production
daily. Keep a record of its sensitivity and relatively increased to 2 2002.
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