The disease leaves of vegetables, kale and brown spots are characteristic symptoms of wounds. Diameter approx. 1-2 mm features that are different from other types of symptoms, the point is that it is a dead body style a dry wound causes the scar area hole. The wound looks translucent medium Wound edges clear Brown When the wound was born near each other, causing the characteristic burnt dry dead as yom. Flesh wound that missing a hole Isolation and characterization of infections when they cause. On the basis of physical and biochemical features. The cause of the disease infection is discovered that Xanthomonas campestris when checking for a specific food and seeds by using medium found fuel X. campestris SX as 1.2 * 10 ** (5) cfu/g soil 1 seed from could not be found when both direct and indirect detection, detection, using a sample of all 400 grain seeds.
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