Refer to ticket 217 4876713530 was reissued against original ticket 217 4876628579 with Fee charge USD30=BDT2322 but fee charge was summited into fare and was deduced commission 7% so kindly warning agent to be more careful in order to avoid any ADM.
Refer to ticket 217 4876713530 was reissued against original ticket 217 4876628579 with Fee charge USD30=BDT2322but fee charge was summited into fare and was deduced commission 7% so kindly warning agent to be more carefulin order to avoid any ADM.
Refer to Ticket was reissued against 217 4876713530 217 4876628579 with Original Ticket Fee charge USD30 = BDT2322. was summited Into fare but Fee charge and 7% was deduced So kindly Warning Agent Commission to be more Careful. in Order to Avoid any ADM.
Refer to ticket 217 4876713530 was reissued against original ticket 217 4876628579 with Fee charge USD30 = BDT2322 but fee. Charge was summited into fare and was deduced Commission 7% so kindly warning agent to be more careful in order to avoid. Any ADM.