Benefits of orange
1. Citrus fruit is a heroine With light skin in New Orleans so much. Which act as antioxidants. The. Non Flava 's substances. Anthony Chaiya New Orleans. Poly phenols and vitamin C to help keep skin clear... Oranges contain. Collagen to repair the wear and tear of the body. Lets not dry skin elasticity and helps heal wounds burns,,Postoperative wounds to heal faster and smoother
2.Orange provides calcium and vitamin D to the body as well as milk. And calcium to strengthen bones. But without vitamin D. The body can not absorb calcium from food. In addition vitamin,, C oranges, also.But please understand that Acetic acid in oranges May damage the enamel Should not brush your teeth within an hour after. Eating or drinking orange juice
3.Orange contains flavonoids, help prevent inflammation, help prevent coronary heart disease. And prevent blood coagulate. Moreover, orange, can help prevent and cure scurvy. And qualified help detoxify the body
4.The shell of the orange, there are many wonderful and one of them is Polymethoxylated Flavones (PMFs) and D-Limonene compounds which reduce cholesterol. Adjust the blood glucose level and stimulate toxin filtration of the liver. In addition, the study also pointed out.(LDL) without affecting cholesterol (HDL)
5.Chinese recipes often served orange peel, coupled with the meat to digest foods high in fat. Some texts suggest starting the day with lemon juice 12 ounces. Mixed with water filter and at room temperature.Because it is acidic soft
6. Oranges are rich in antioxidants, which will help to protect the eye from cataracts, and from battle ษาย are found that consumption of vitamins E and C in large quantities. To help prevent cataracts. Even in those with high risk disease
.7. Orange, to eat, to smell the skin. Because orange substance folate which allows the brain hormone serotonin, which substances of happiness. The smell of citrus fruits can liven it
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