Wake 7 pm to 8 am showers come dressed to school. Learning from 9 am -11 pm. O'clock noon eat homework. 5pm exercise. One o'clock to dinner with friends. Reading Room, from 2-4 pm to 5 pm bath to bed.
Woke up at 7: 00 pm 8: 00 pm bed bath store dress to school. 9 am-11 am, from classes and lunch eat afternoon homework. 5: 00 p.m. 1 p.m. workout, eat with friends. Return to reading room from 2-4 pm 5 pm go to bed bath.
Wake up at 7 AM to 8 PM bathroom storage was dressed to go to school from 9AM - 11PM lunch break dining pm to 5 PM. At Home work out 1pm to eat rice with a friend back to reading room from 2 - 4 PM 5 pm to go to bed.