1. Hello, My name is Chipmunk. 2. I call at 11 a.m. to find to tell you that I'm going to travel to the provinces, you would go together?3. If you are going with. Contact me 08456123334. thank you, I'll talk to you later.
1. Hi gong 2. ฉaa calling for a second time in the morning to tell you that. I toured the provinces You will go together? 3. If you are going to get back to 0,845,612,333 4. Thank you. I'll talk to you later.
1. "Hello, my name is gong.2. I call out in time, two o"clock in the morning to tell you that I"m going to travel, do you want to go together?3. If you"re coming back 0845612333.4. Thank you. I"ll talk to you later.