Peso (Peso) is the currency of the Philippines.* 1.40 Peso equivalent to 1 baht. Banknotes have been printed using currently has 20 Peso, issue 50. Peso, 100 Peso, 200, 500 Peso 1000 peso and Peso
Peso (Peso) is the currency of the Philippines * 1.40 pesos, equivalent to about 1 baht banknotes printed in today's edition of 20 pesos, 50 pesos, 100 pesos, 200 pesos, 500 pesos and. 1000 pesos
The peso (Peso) is the currency of the Philippines * 1.40 pesos approximately equals 1 baht. the notes printed currently released this version, each 20 peso, 50 peso 100 Peso 200 peso, 500 peso, and, 1 000 peso.