Structure optimization of CycloBio fluidized sand biofilters based on numerical simulation
Yao Liua B Zhi-Tao Huanga,,,, Xie-Fa Songa ∗ Ji-Lin Leib,,,, Lei Penga Bao-Liang LiubaCollege, of Fisheries Ocean University of China Qingdao 266003 ChinabYellow,,, Sea Fisheries Research Institute Chinese Academy, of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, Chinaa
.To improve the removal efficiency for dissolved wastes within CycloBio (CB) fluidized sand biofilters (FSBs) in recirculating. Aquaculture systems we investigated, their structural design and optimization using computational fluid dynamics (CFD modeling.) Tools an orthogonal, test method and experimental, verification.Results showed that the effects of structural parameters on bed expansion from large to small were: cone height cone diameter,, And slot width. The best combination was: cone height 60 mm cone diameter, 165 mm and slot, width 1.0 mm. The solid phase. Was well distributed not only in the, radial direction but also in the axial direction in the optimized CB FSB.The bed expansion (40% - 120%) was increased about 13%. Energy savings were 21% - 28% at the same bed expansion. When the optimized. CBFSB was used to treat synthetic, aquaculture wastewater with three bed expansions and four levels of C / N total ammonia,, Nitrogen removal rate expressed per unit of expanded bed volume, was high from 629 to881 g m − 3day − 1.All results indicated that the structure of the optimized CB FSB was more reasonable and that the combination of CFD simulation. And the orthogonal test method could be successfully applied to structural optimization.
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