The sacrifice is the basic virtue of those together in society. Everyone in society must considerate considerate sacrifice share to each other. No narrow minds, for the sake of the sacrifice is friendly and moral binder A spirit. A characteristic to be people who for health benefits than สุขส่วนตัว public benefits.People who live together in a society there will be peace should have morality is a sacrifice. Sacrifice personal happiness is to the public. Because if people selfish, not for others, the public will suffer. When the public was suffered broken happiness peace will happen?The sacrifice is one of the most important virtue in society. Starting from the family as a small unit of society, to sacrifice personal happiness to each other. Sacrifice property earned weary to each other. Both during normal and time needed.As can be seen from the sacrifice and contribution. Things to help each other. When experiencing one. Happen to people in somewhere. It is usually donated to the money or goods to help those who are suffering the boiling heat was it caused by disasters, such as floods. Storm, etc., or to donate items to create a public. The benefits to society as a whole.Personal sacrifice, generous spirit bountiful openhanded everyone in society. Help as much as that should help. See who should to help rescue ability more less. Or sometimes help with the body. Sometimes help with property. Sometimes help with wisdom, every time help have compassion pity is a foreground. Aim to relieve suffering of others willing wholeheartedly.Those who practice it in a story of sacrifice is taking easily. Don"t have to, be able to ทำได้อย่างสม่ำเสมอ. And be able to deliver even a pet that get by hard, one day.
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