Extract the features in beauty. Which is the latent ad
avoiding rules advertising controls. Which products to
that control law enforcement in advertising was not efficient
.From the study of such problems. The author proposed
solutions as follows (see 1) should have a
law about control of passive advertising is a specialized
(2). See should prescribe the meaning of the word "advertisements"
.According to the consumer protection act, B.E. 2522 to
including subliminal advertising (3) saw the main criteria should be set
controlling characteristics and advertising advertising model
latent latent (4) to schools
.The Committee on consumer advertising, according to the law of Consumer Protection Act, 2522 use power soon
section 8 together with section 23 prime minister to rule out
ministry make advertising items. Or services through radio
.Radio and television broadcasting or take over deserve
is how advertisements may ก่อให้เกิดความรำคาญ to
consumers (5) should see the ads ad
limit section of the mold assembly 23 law
.Radio and television business affairs of 2551 a
advertising causing annoyance (6) see should improve
edit increase penalties relating to subliminal advertising to a higher level.
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