Most of the population are indigenous ethnic Viet Nam approximately 85 percent pure, is about 2 percent of people, the rest are minorities, about 14 per cent consists of. People boast a discography (Muong) (Thai) maeo (Meo) Mon, Khmer, Cham (Cham) (Mon.) Territory of Viet Nam was originally a resident of Malta (Moi), which has a different name, dozens of tribes. Having assimilated similar to address some of the tribes in Laos. Classified in the family Mon-Khmer and Javanese-Malay family, some tribes, they are more than a million people, we ... Most of the residents of the North by mount up to over sai ngon in parallel that they do not have the book 17 is used strictly in the burgeoning magic ghost doesn't like the angels sang a particularly esteemed found strangers. In addition to their ...- Other minorities in Viet Nam to transport one of their Thailand. Their ancestors migrated to Thailand from China. When about the beginning of era as the basin. slowly. At last came the settlers in Limousin tangkia About the 14 divided into groups, each is. The black Thai in Thailand bar capacity River twelve song came. Black River, Quezon City la the Moon City (Dien Bien Phu) floating city hung. Thai Muang Lai Chau in white with black tho Thailand Thailand Thailand nung. The area around the rap tho Thailand triangle Red River West and North of the city of Hanoi. Thailand nung tangkia and border province is Guangzhou China's color. A five LaTeX rubber is in the urban areas in the East of the city, burning luxury meets with Claire Lo Pak Nam. There is one other peoples of middle region of the city is tangkia (Moung), which is a combination of Java and Thailand Viet Nam national. They are very similar to the language spoken, Viet Nam. The settlers on the hillside Near the Southwest city of Hanoi and the mountain Lao border barrier meets the city of Vinh is considered to be natives of Viet Nam. To the North, with the same. There are two guys who came to smash settlers in northern Viet Nam maeo and their faith. They are divided into four maeo maeo, white, red, black and white wire maeo maeo maeo lived according to the border town of contacts with China. In the province of Yunnan, Laos, Champa city in urban body bubble town city center city, the Moon, and the master copy of city con la. They are divided into five faith faith faith LAN then allocated eye mankwang kingdoms. Vine yard and faith mankwang dwell upon the mountains crisps in the urban city of Guangzhou City, Lao Lai Fong master body along the Red River City rubber city, Lao Sheng Gao city city city and mountain yellow nabai Muong Thanh bar. Before going to the Black River to meet the Red River. Vietnamese residents or nationals of Viet Nam is in the southern area of the province, the China Sea Giang Phu and Guangzhou currently provides color. A tribe of Thailand-China because spoken language of Viet Nam. Has synonym with Thailand in the language and in the Chinese language. The combination of their minority, about 15 percent of the population of North Viet Nam this background history, many are not friendly with Viet Nam. In the North with the South Viet Nam Viet Nam is the Government of Viet Nam has been experiencing over the minority, these. When there were 2498 (1955) approval of their autonomous Thailand-maeo (Thai Meo-Autonomous) approx. 19, 500. Square mile There are 20 different ethnic tribes, there are approximately 330, 0, advanced, and Viet-Bac Autonomous Area approx. 16, 0. Square mile There are 15 different ethnic tribes, about 800 people, also has 0 Lao-Ha-Yen Area. Indeed, most residents of Viet Nam people crowded along the Plains Mekong Delta Plains along coast and Eastern Plains South. Chinese The settlers made a living is a general commercial district and major cities such as the city of cholong City-based Saigon (Ho Shi Minh), and the coastal cities, according to the General. The Chinese who live in Viet Nam Viet Nam nationality with almost all stay together as a group. The establishment of the Association, for the purpose of trade, but there are some political careers of Chinese farming animals. The people of the tribe, black and white, Thailand Thailand Thailand consists of. The red stripes, Thailand Thailand Thailand tho, which is the maximum number of. From among the people is not a true Viet Nam. The various hill tribes, mostly inhabited by the mountain. The deep wooded hillside North Central and Western and central plateau. They often do not have a primary source like the exodus takes up to. Most of the native culture, not believe in magic. Living with a rice farm, hunting and forest for sale. Khmer people live according to the area of the Don land Mekong Delta region near the city of Hanover Dien. Contact with the Khmer Rouge territory until reaching the headland in the China Sea. There are mainly in animal farming and fisheries, respect Buddhism and have assimilated like the population in Cambodia. Cham is the owner of a local in Central Viet Nam's territory, and in the South of Viet Nam. Contact with the Cambodian border strip. City Bar doc software Tai Ninh and Phan rang Cham people, as tribes with their own high culture before. Chams left culture in Viet Nam is ponagar Temple (Poh Nagar), which is located in the central region of Viet Nam. Island natives as India Indonesia Malaysia Malay nature make a living is common in the South of Viet Nam. In the coastal strip into the territory until contact with Cambodia and Laos to the North and reached the city of hue and the hub's density is in the central region of the country. เชื้อชาติอื่น ๆ เป็นชาวต่างประเทศที่เข้าไปประกอบอาชีพเล็กๆ น้อย เป็นชนกลุ่มน้อยที่อยู่ทั่ว ๆ ไปตามเมืองใหญ่ ๆ ที่เจริญแล้ว และตามชายแดนที่ติดต่อกัน เช่น ลาว ไทย ฝรั่งเศส และชาวยุโรปอื่น ๆ โดยทั่วไปแล้ว ชาวเวียดนามเป็นชนชาติที่มีนิสัยใจคอมั่นคง มีความขยันขันแข็งในการทำงาน มีความมานะอดทนดีมาก มีความรักชาติ รักอิสรภาพ กล้าหาญ เฉลียวฉลาด และมีความสามัคคีกลมเกลียวกันอย่างแน่แฟ้น ในหมู่คนเวียดนามด้วยกันมีความรู้สึกชาตินิยมอย่างรุนแรง และพร้อมที่จะรับความเปลี่ยนแปลง ที่แปลกใหม่อยู่เสมอ ปัจจุบันเวียดนามมีหลายศาสนา และลัทธิ แต่ระบบโ
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