Love story of a young couple, one as husband and wife. You can have the name James and wife named Della both poor came to the Festival as MAS Christmas everyone should be happy. Everyone should get a gift from a loved one, but it's a sad one dollar back Della another eighty-seven cents for cash all of the money she has is Della every baht at her store have been collected, there is less money for the purchase of special gifts for Jim. She is sitting in front of a mirror and to bemoan all her hair, dropping down a beautiful sparkling water waves, optical effects, as I continued to ponder her Della ongphom decisions and tears with hope. She decided to keep the rolls all her hair, put on a hat and coat he ran away from home until the street she walks half semi ran continuously until you arrive at the store. Madame sofa this is buying and selling carry a long staff with a hair color and she decided to sell her hair to a twenty-dollar amount. For her hair almost two hours spent Della buying gifts, Jim finally came, it was found that the clock necklace chain fits Jim. She paid twenty dollars for this necklace Della hurry home after good gifts. She likes to think of this path, though JI matong necklace. A thrill that was lost. Della Sitting In Front Of Her Mirror Trying Her New Hairstyles, Hair Styling. Her hair is short, there are very short curly undulation full. I have a pretty long to short-cut to the knee, but she tried to make it look neat and faces daunting task she asked confused. Her refusal left right in the mirror with my new shape, and sadly, to visit her again. Lead Cook-masami Della Asked Her. She had to return home without limit mamai evening complaining of JI, but today it is not. Wait For Maurice krawai Della yangkrawon-Ji Temple At the same moment that sound the door open into rubbing Della hum, think. God please! let him overlook me pretty the same. JI makhao whether stress page color comes and stands in front of the door does not move the eyes reveals that Della. He was staring with strange faces Della. Jim love, don't look at me with a face there. I cut my hair and I already sell Della said. JI masaedong faces seem to be distracted doesn't believe in things that Della said. A saved registry around the room. Like finding something pretty beautiful long hair and I have a lot of value, but never has anyone can count the love that I have to you. Della Said With A Gentle Tone Small box grab bags and maluang JI came out and thrown desks, all desperate and said, you try to open that box!, they know why I'm even going to Bullfrog, genus Rana. Della Lamb Box That Came Out With Color Pages tatuenten And Glad. A comb hair embroidery made from shells, adorned with small beads of yellow stones that she wanted to have a minor glitch, but the crying Della sauen long long back. She smiled and tried to be happy My hair is long, up to use Cape embroidered comb this hair, Jim. Della Said With A Hopeful Face Color. Della stood hands grip the necklace to right in front of Jim and hand out. Here's your gift!, Jim I walked over to the airport's Board, are you at all! You must like it, of course. Remove your watch to XI Della said. When Jin mahen gift his Della domesti towns desperate for solutions, hand coordination far occipital and smiled with distress that lala gift store is updated for this. Anyone over there has not yet been used, now I have! GI mayut thought before saying I was selling watches, money buys you comb hair embroidery.
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