Translation transliteration Profile Name - Surname Ms. Rocha durable
current address at 21/1 Klong Muang District, Preston
Chachoengsao 24000 Tel .084-872-8741.
- day / yy / Birth 9 April 2541 aged 15 years
- 163 cm Weight: 55 kgM
- Thailand, race, nationality, religion, single, Thailand
health education
-2547 - 2552 Primary. Schools, mosques, canals (Befriend Education)
3.68.-2553 - 2555 Junior High School. Dhaninivat Piat prot school GPA 3.52
-2556 - Current high school. School Science - Mathematics training GPA 3.73
an award.-2554 Won one race runner ran 80 yards straight games ironwood times 11
-2555 Award-winning Quiz Competition Encyclopedia Thailand
-2557. Competition second runner runs 100 meters, 200 meters,.4 x 100 meters women ironwood Games. 13
knowledge / skills / talents
- Skills and windows movie maker photoscape
- I play badminton and volley ball
- can play the ukulele
special attention.- A short film Film, video editing and graphic
- flying. What about the planes and pilots
Reference Ensign glitter Chai Swimming Teachers call 0
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